Avalanche Network Protocol
Avalanche network defines the core communication format between Avalanche nodes. It uses the primitive serialization format for payload packing.
are mentioned extensively in the description. A Container is simply a generic term for blocks.
This document describes the protocol for peer-to-peer communication using Protocol Buffers (proto3). The protocol defines a set of messages exchanged between peers in a peer-to-peer network. Each message is represented by the Message
proto message, which can encapsulate various types of messages, including network messages, state-sync messages, bootstrapping messages, consensus messages, and application messages.
The Message
proto message is the main container for all peer-to-peer communication. It uses the oneof
construct to represent different message types. The supported compression algorithms include Gzip and Zstd.
message Message {
oneof message {
bytes compressed_gzip = 1;
bytes compressed_zstd = 2;
// ... (other compression algorithms can be added)
Ping ping = 11;
Pong pong = 12;
Version version = 13;
PeerList peer_list = 14;
// ... (other message types)
The compressed_gzip
and compressed_zstd
fields are used for Gzip and Zstd compression, respectively, of the encapsulated message. These fields are set only if the message type supports compression.
Network Messages
The Ping
message reports a peer's perceived uptime percentage.
message Ping {
uint32 uptime = 1;
repeated SubnetUptime subnet_uptimes = 2;
: Uptime percentage on the primary network [0, 100].subnet_uptimes
: Uptime percentages on Avalanche L1s.
The Pong
message is sent in response to a Ping
with the perceived uptime of the peer.
message Pong {
uint32 uptime = 1; // Deprecated: uptime is now sent in Ping
repeated SubnetUptime subnet_uptimes = 2; // Deprecated: uptime is now sent in Ping
The Version
message is the first outbound message sent to a peer during the p2p handshake.
message Version {
uint32 network_id = 1;
uint64 my_time = 2;
bytes ip_addr = 3;
uint32 ip_port = 4;
string my_version = 5;
uint64 my_version_time = 6;
bytes sig = 7;
repeated bytes tracked_subnets = 8;
: Network identifier (e.g., local, testnet, Mainnet).my_time
: Unix timestamp when theVersion
message was created.ip_addr
: IP address of the peer.ip_port
: IP port of the peer.my_version
: Avalanche client version.my_version_time
: Timestamp of the IP.sig
: Signature of the peer IP port pair at a provided timestamp.tracked_subnets
: Avalanche L1s the peer is tracking.
The PeerList
message contains network-level metadata for a set of validators.
message PeerList {
repeated ClaimedIpPort claimed_ip_ports = 1;
: List of claimed IP and port pairs.
The PeerListAck
message is sent in response to PeerList
to acknowledge the subset of peers that the peer will attempt to connect to.
message PeerListAck {
reserved 1; // deprecated; used to be tx_ids
repeated PeerAck peer_acks = 2;
: List of acknowledged peers.
State-Sync Messages
The GetStateSummaryFrontier
message requests a peer's most recently accepted state summary.
message GetStateSummaryFrontier {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.
The StateSummaryFrontier
message is sent in response to a GetStateSummaryFrontier
message StateSummaryFrontier {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
bytes summary = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGetStateSummaryFrontier
: The requested state summary.
The GetAcceptedStateSummary
message requests a set of state summaries at specified block heights.
message GetAcceptedStateSummary {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
repeated uint64 heights = 4;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.heights
: Heights being requested.
The AcceptedStateSummary
message is sent in response to GetAcceptedStateSummary
message AcceptedStateSummary {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
repeated bytes summary_ids = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGetAcceptedStateSummary
: State summary IDs.
Bootstrapping Messages
The GetAcceptedFrontier
message requests the accepted frontier from a peer.
message GetAcceptedFrontier {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
EngineType engine_type = 4;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.engine_type
: Consensus type the remote peer should use to handle this message.
The AcceptedFrontier
message contains the remote peer's last accepted frontier.
message AcceptedFrontier {
reserved 4; // Until Cortina upgrade is activated
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
bytes container_id = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGetAcceptedFrontier
: The ID of the last accepted frontier.
The GetAccepted
message sends a request with the sender's accepted frontier to a remote peer.
message GetAccepted {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
repeated bytes container_ids = 4;
EngineType engine_type = 5;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this message.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.container_ids
: The
sender's accepted frontier.
: Consensus type to handle this message.
The Accepted
message is sent in response to GetAccepted
message Accepted {
reserved 4; // Until Cortina upgrade is activated
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
repeated bytes container_ids = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGetAccepted
: Subset of container IDs from theGetAccepted
request that the sender has accepted.
The GetAncestors
message requests the ancestors for a given container.
message GetAncestors {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
bytes container_id = 4;
EngineType engine_type = 5;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.container_id
: Container for which ancestors are being requested.engine_type
: Consensus type to handle this message.
The Ancestors
message is sent in response to GetAncestors
message Ancestors {
reserved 4; // Until Cortina upgrade is activated
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
repeated bytes containers = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGetAncestors
: Ancestry for the requested container.
Consensus Messages
The Get
message requests a container from a remote peer.
message Get {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
bytes container_id = 4;
EngineType engine_type = 5;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.container_id
: Container being requested.engine_type
: Consensus type to handle this message.
The Put
message is sent in response to Get
with the requested block.
message Put {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
bytes container = 3;
EngineType engine_type = 4;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalGet
: Requested container.engine_type
: Consensus type to handle this message.
The PushQuery
message requests the preferences of a remote peer given a container.
message PushQuery {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
bytes container = 4;
EngineType engine_type = 5;
uint64 requested_height = 6;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.container
: Container being gossiped.engine_type
: Consensus type to handle this message.requested_height
: Requesting peer's last accepted height.
The PullQuery
message requests the preferences of a remote peer given a container id.
message PullQuery {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
bytes container_id = 4;
EngineType engine_type = 5;
uint64 requested_height = 6;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.container_id
: Container id being gossiped.engine_type
: Consensus type to handle this message.requested_height
: Requesting peer's last accepted height.
The Chits
message contains the preferences of a peer in response to a PushQuery
or PullQuery
message Chits {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
bytes preferred_id = 3;
bytes accepted_id = 4;
bytes preferred_id_at_height = 5;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalPushQuery
: Currently preferred block.accepted_id
: Last accepted block.preferred_id_at_height
: Currently preferred block at the requested height.
Application Messages
The AppRequest
message is a VM-defined request.
message AppRequest {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
uint64 deadline = 3;
bytes app_bytes = 4;
: Chain being requested from.request_id
: Unique identifier for this request.deadline
: Timeout (ns) for this request.app_bytes
: Request body.
The AppResponse
message is a VM-defined response sent in response to AppRequest
message AppResponse {
bytes chain_id = 1;
uint32 request_id = 2;
bytes app_bytes = 3;
: Chain being responded from.request_id
: Request ID of the originalAppRequest
: Response body.
The AppGossip
message is a VM-defined message.
message AppGossip {
bytes chain_id = 1;
bytes app_bytes = 2;
: Chain the message is for.app_bytes
: Message body.
Last updated on 1/29/2025